I don't completely disagree with the point of view put across in this article. I agree that there needs to be increased taxes for the higher income bracket. However I don't agree that the working class should face no tax increases or decreases in social welfare. Everyone should face increased taxation and social welfare has to be cut in the current climate. I myself am a student and will be affected by the increase in fees and the decrease in grants. My current plan to do a H.Dip has to be postponed for example. However I believe an increase in fees and a decrease in grants needs to be introduced. All areas need to be scrutinized and cuts in each sector will be needed if we are to emerge from this crisis. Everyone was content to spend during the tiger and accept low taxes and high social welfare payments and now we need to accept this harsher climate and try to rectify the results of past behavior.
It is certain that an amount of mistakes have been made but we cannot now be childish as a country and refuse to pay because we believe it was a certain groups fault- bankers, the government or whomever else. Even if that is the case, it is not realistic to put the blame on one group and expect taxing them only for example to produce the results needed. We need to face these challenges and accept that we all have a stake in this country.