Foreign companies that produced computers, computers parts and pharmaceuticals in Ireland dominated its overall economic growth. However, indigenous Irish growth was practically limited to services or at best to the software sector. Consequently, the degree of linkages between foreign and indigenous firms decrease rather than increase.
The Celtic Tiger, despite its increasing concentration in high - tech, it sectors was contracting in the most routine segments of those sectors, mainly, assembly of components, localisation of software or call -
centre servicing. Thus , Celtic Tiger happened without any essential change in industrial strategy by
Irish state and,because of the state little capacity for policy implementation, the firms expressed their innovative activities in their home countries. So that, the state's inability to induce linkages between them and indigenous firms meant that there was no internal system of innovation.
What should be in process of change ?
Most crucially, the state's low capacity to implement policy left it at the mercy of foreign investors (sector). The state should implement policies that encourage indigenous development. That is, implementation of policy of economic autonomy. Therefore the state should improve the
return on investment by grants and other measures which lower the price of capital as well as by more general steps to enhance profitability such as low taxes. In this context, the state should encourage indigenous firms by general competitive sufficient in the
Irish economic
environment such as building enough infrastructure or low labour costs. Moreover, greater attention should be paid to management, innovation and marketing and, the task of developing indigenous firms might be as same as from that of attracting foreign investors.
Ireland growth remained
exogenous determined and dependent. The state should improve productivity and terms of trade
which enable the state to foster an expressed indigenous economy, and export orientation. In order to succeed, Ireland should make the right policy choices, have capacity to implement them without dispute with Eu and US.
Industrial development in Ireland should be continue based on taxes rates. Taxes breaks for exports and other incentives to industries.
The Education
As regards the supply of educated labour, a more vocational type of education might meet labour markets needs as well as a system
producing largely educated young persons with the capacity and flexibility to be trained later specific skills. Economic development can be crucially affected by the education and the skills of the populations. Fund training should be directed only to upgrade skills. Introducing of
MCA ( Master in Economics Administration) course in university should be a step for educating future managers in public administrations.
The free fees should be converted in loan. At this stage, income tax should be granted until end of loan repayment. The grand and registration fees should be awarded by depends on the income of the student,s family and other circumstances.
Local authorities should have considerable administrative power rests in the hand of elected county mayor, instead of county manager. Democratically, county manager and councillors can be under directives elected county Mayor. Local taxes from local shop should be raised and spend local for maintaining infrastructure and local sense. A decentralisation office should be in implementation. For example, the state by hiring office centre for driving test
provisionary in every county. These office centre will create job.
DailSeparate executive authorities and law makers. A TD become a minister, would be not allow to sit in
Dail as a law maker. In this context, the
Dail will become independent and the forum of accountability to the people. Abolition of expenses on TD constituency office. The
Seanad accountability should be reinforced by voting their member through public election. The
seanad is necessary to counteract any enact error should come from
A ministers without dual mandate, at this stage, as first executive authority in his/her department will become neutral. Consequently, ministers accountability will be reinforced by their
responsibility as the first executive authority in their department. In this context, a secretary general in a department will be able to work closely with his/her minister.
The economic growth which deny Ireland under policy of economic autonomy, is closely
connected to
multinational investors. Consequently, economic growth in foreign
investment in Ireland coincided with economic
growth in the U. S economy.
The current economic crisis in
Ireland showed that any continuation economic
dependency on multinational
investors can not be taken granted. It is a
prerequisite for Ireland to trace the road map under policy of economy autonomy and renewal political institution as a step for working better for today generation and future generation.