Kenny refuses to take part in TV3 debate chaired by Vincent Browne. MR Kenny said his decision was based on remarks made by Browne last year about suicide. TV3 said it was disappointed by Fine Gael's decision not to participate in a first general election debate dated on 8 February 2011, which have to go ahead without Mr Kenny.
A spokesman said Browne had made a full and immediate apology for his remarks about suicide, which the station believed has been accepted by Fine Gael at the time ( see The Irish Times dated on February 5,2011)
I think that the decision taken by Fine Gael Leader is not better for Irish people and Irish Voters. As Mr Kenny wish to be the next Taoisearch, Vincent Browne remarks should not be an argument to refuse to participate in first debate with other political party Leaders. The decision for Fine Gael Leader could be considered as self-interests not for interests for Irish people and Irish voters.
In time for general election campaigns, among of the job of Irish Journalists is to help Irish people to understand issues and, to show them a Leader who can give answers to their problems they live with. Vincent Browne is one of Irish Journalists experienced into Irish political issues. If Browne is a foreign journalist, it could be no wrong for Kenny to refuse to take part in debate chaired by Browne. However, since Browne is an Irish Journalist I think that the decision taken by Fine Gael Leader is wrong. As he wish to be the next Taoisearch, he will stand for all Irish people including Vincent Browne.
Stand for Country is to work for everyone without prejudice. That is interests for public. If one feel that is impossible, it is better to stand for his/her own self-interests where one can find self-choices.
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