Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another glitch in building the "Smart Economy"

Fianna Fail and the Greens, who are attempting to build the "Smart Economy" must have been annoyed to hear about IBM's plan to move its server manufacturing business in Dublin to China by next March. According to IBM the move is a positive one as it places them closer to their suppliers and growth markets which will save a lot on costs. IBM have said that they will try to redeploy as many employees as possible which in reality won't be a lot. Ultimately it will leave close to 190 employers without a job, recieving "generous redundancy packages". I'm sure these employees will not see 5 weeks pay for every year worked as being "generous". I don't feel as bad for those employees under the age of 35 as they have a very good chance of finding another job, either in the same field or a new one, but many of these employees are probably close to the retirement age and will find it near impossible to find a job in the future. The departure of the IBM's manufacturing business also marks the end of hardware manufacturing in the Dublin area. To build Ireland's "Smart Economy," we need a thriving enterprise sector, high-quality employment, secure energy supplies, an attractive environment, and first class infrastructure, and at the moment we have a lot of work ahead to achieve this especially with such glitches as IBM occuring.

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